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Dear Anita: Help With Body Issues!

Dear Anita,

I'm struggling with body image issues. I've eaten all the snacks in my house and have now gained what's being called the "COVID-19" (pounds), but I think it's more like 20. And now we might have a partial reopening of the country, which means I might need to jam this body into a swimsuit. I'm not feeling good about myself. Not feeling sexy.


--Frumpy and Frustrated


Dear Frustrated,

I feel ya (*snacks while typing). Look, here's what I want to say about this. Body image is a difficult issue for many of us. We need only to look at images on television, movies, and magazines to feel "less than" or sometimes "more than," specifically when it comes to body weight. Here's what else I want to say about that:

We've been through a trauma with the novel coronavirus. We're still going through trauma, as those of us in the United States feel our country divided and our people at risk. We need to practice self-care and give ourselves a bit of a break.

I'm not suggesting a no holds barred approach to eating, but there really is something to comfort food. Instead of framing yourself according to some magic number on a scale or inches on a tape measure, how about we look instead at our mindset.

Feeling sexy is an attitude, not a size. It comes from a place of acceptance and love. I mean, I'd like a flat tummy as much as the next person (maybe just a bit of shape), but I love the curves as well.

It's been a rough few months, and I realize that summer is almost here. But guess what? The only thing it takes to have a swimsuit body is a swimsuit, and really not even that. I confess that I am a fan of nude sunbathing. The question I'm going to ask is what you are doing now to take care of yourself? If you really are concerned about the weight, think up ways to treat yourself that don't involve food. Maybe a bubble bath? A guilt-free nap? Curling up with a sexy book? (I know a book or two! 😎)

Spend some time thinking about a time you felt sexy. Where were you? How did it feel? What were you wearing (or not wearing)? If you're in a relationship, talk to your partner. Challenge yourself to take care of your body. Sometimes that means a little dark chocolate, and sometimes that means writing yourself a love note.


In case you haven't heard it today:

You have a nice smile,

You're beautiful inside and out,

And you have a nice butt!



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